Maine Right to Know Advisory
Committee Member
Appointed by Senate President Troy Jackson to a 3-year term starting in 2021
Chair of the Remote Participation Sub Committee
Chair of the Remote Participation Sub Committee
Throughout my legislative career, I’ve fought for a more transparent and accessible government to increase accountability and public engagement in the decision-making process. Combine that with my journalism background and I’m fully committed to ensuring we maintain the integrity of our Freedom of Access laws through best practices in providing the public and the press access to records and proceedings
The Right To Know Advisory Committee is an on-going advisory council, created by Public Law 2005, chapter 631, with oversight authority and responsibility for a broad range of activities associated with the purposes and principles underlying Maine’s Freedom of Access laws.
The Right To Know Advisory Committee was created to serve as a resource and advisor about Maine’s Freedom of Access laws. The Advisory Committee may make recommendations for changes in statutes to improve the laws and may make recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court and local and governmental entities with regard to best practices in providing the public access to records and proceedings and to maintain the integrity of the Freedom of Access laws. |
Specific duties include:
- Providing guidance in ensuring access to public records and public proceedings;
- Serving as the central source and coordinator of information about Maine’s Freedom of Access laws and the people’s right to know;
- Supporting the provision of information about public access to records and proceedings via the Internet;
- Serving as a resource to support training and education about Maine’s Freedom of Access laws; and
- Reporting annually to the Governor, the Legislative Council, the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court about the state of Maine’s Freedom of Access laws and the public’s access to public proceedings and records.